
May 31, 2011

Ghana ACT 2011


From all of us at Ghana ACT we invite you to keep up to date with all of our projects, programs, and volunteers by following our blog. This blog will be a place for volunteers to post their stories and pictures, detailing their experiences for anyone who is eager to know exactly what Ghana ACT is all about - from the inside. Our volunteers are free to post about any experience, opinion, or idea they have here in Ghana and we will not filter or edit any of these stories in any way, except in the event a volunteer fails to maintain respect and courtesy. Whether it's a story of great success and triumph, or one of an unsatisfactory volunteer experience, you can read them all right here, directly from the source.

Ghana ACT is entering its second year of operation. While last year was very successful with 16 volunteers joining our programs from around the U.S. and Canada, we have reflected, revised, and improved over the year, and we are excited for another summer as we anticipate 30+ volunteers to join us over the coming months. Based on their interests, our volunteers have selected to join one of our three programs: Healthcare, Education, Community Development.

Healthcare: Volunteers will join Benjamin Bankas and the Life for the Living Medical Center's rural outreach team as they travel near and far to provide basic healthcare services to those who need it most.

Education: Volunteers will be assisting teachers and leading classes in English, Math, Science, and Computer Education at the primary or secondary school levels.

Community Development: Volunteers will join the community of Saviefe-Deme in the construction of a nursery school. Saviefe-Deme is a poor, agrarian village about 30 minutes outside Ho. The community identified a nursery school to be their most pressing need; as parents head to their farms, they must either leave their young children behind, unattended, or bring them to the fields. This school will be a place to supervise the young children while laying the foundation for a strong education.

2011 Goal: Our current emphasis and top priority is to complete the construction of the nursery school in Saviefe-Deme.

Want to volunteer?
Visit our website at and email me at

Want to donate?
We appreciate all donations, however large or small to support our projects. Please follow the link below to donate to Ghana ACT through our partner organization, Omprakash. Omprakash "builds partnerships with grassroots health, education, and environmental projects around the world, and connects them with volunteers, donors, and classrooms that can learn from and support their work." They are a non-sectarian database of volunteer opportunities open to people of all ages and nationalities.

If you have any questions about Ghana ACT, our volunteer opportunities, how to donate, or would like to get in touch with a volunteer directly, please email me at

We hope you enjoy our blog!


John Barber
Ghana ACT Director / Volunteer Coordinator